99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around…

It’s surprising no beer company has jumped on this song until now, but it seems appropriate that the one finally taking these lyrics to heart is from Texas, where everything is bigger.

Austin Beerworks created the 99-pack to launch its Peacemaker Anytime Ale “with a bang,” and it has caught the attention of beer lovers across the country. The first 20 packs will be delivered tomorrow (Thursday, Aug. 28), and the company is posting on its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages as the deliveries are happening.


The Peacemaker Anytime Ale website (anytimeale.com) features “Anytimers” of the month, encourages people to capture their “anytime” moment online with #anytimeale and walks visitors through an online taste test; a seemingly condensed version of what someone at the brewery would explain if you were tasting it in person.

A limited number of boxes, a unique take on packaging and a supporting digital strategy makes this a great campaign to boost awareness, drive demand and have fun with a product. If you’re one of the lucky 20 this weekend, enjoy your 82 pounds of craft beer!