We might be a day early, but this throwback Thursday campaign is worth talking about all week long, and all throughout August. Expedia’s new “Thrown Back Thursdays” is taking #tbt literally by giving away chances to recreate a throwback photo, complete with the same place, people and similar outfits.


This is really cool. We’ve seen people recreating photos from the past before, but we’re excited to see a brand jumping on this nostalgic online trend and getting people even more engaged with throwback Thursday. Plus, the campaign ties in perfectly with what Expedia is all about – traveling, journeys and memories.

180LA, the agency behind the campaign, says there have been more than 228 million #tbt hashtags to date. Our bet is that number is going to continue to rise, especially throughout the month of August as people get a little more selective about what posts they want to highlight – and hopefully recreate.

This is perfect timing as a rebuttal to a recent post in the Wall Street Journal about the blizzard of hashtags, and whether corporate hashtags are late to the game. From the looks of it, they still have a lot of life and creativity left in them, they just have to be the right message, for the right brand, for the right audience.

Expedia is picking an Instagram photo tagged with @Expedia and #ThrowMeBack every Thursday through September. Good luck, and happy reminiscing!