
This past weekend marked the second stop for Stride Gum and the Dew Tour. In the heart of “The City by the Bay” crowds were treated to incredible action sports events as well as some delicious Stride Gum. As they say, “When the lights go down in the City by the Bay, the slackers come out to play.” Throughout the weekend, spectators enjoyed performances and instructional demonstrations by our Stride professional slackliners, as well as free samples of Stride’s brand new flavor, Mintacular. Consumers could try to slackline and, if successful, were rewarded with a Stride T-shirt proclaiming them to be “A Little Bit Epic.” Competitors from all over the world came to the Stride Experience to compete in the inaugural, “Stride International Slackline Open.” The winners’ podium indeed spanned the globe: in third place was Igor Zambelli from Brazil, second place went to the “Man from Japan,” Gappai, and just as he did at the Stride Dew Tour stop in Ocean City, Maryland, 15-year-old Alex “The Machine” Mason was crowned champion in San Francisco.
